Monday, May 21, 2007

New Rules

!. Never become romantically involved with poets, especially poets you respect and want to work with.
@. Don't clap when a poem/poet is not good. Do not allow the audience oppress you. You are the best judge in the room.
#. Trust a man who cheats on his woman more than you trust one who pursues "taken" women; the first might fill you with dismay, but the latter is certain to betray you.
$. Poetry is much too important to take seriously.
%. Neither cheat on your partner nor pursue people who are spoken for.
^. If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right. If you're not having fun, it's not worth doing.
&. If you break rule !, don't let anyone know that your heart was broken.
*. Drink, but not to forget.