Saturday, August 25, 2007

clowns like david larsen and david larsen likes clowns

I laugh. Poetry is funny. It is fucked up being back in California.

David Larsen, who is very funny, is a very funny poet. At Pegasus, he performed with Alli Warren and Dana Ward. Alli Warren, soooo experimentalllll, duuude. Alli Warren makes people laugh. Alli Warren was in Abraham Lincoln's first issue. Alli Warren makes me laugh.

"One was at the party... only no one was at the party." lol.

Dana Ward was also clowny. Clowns are funny. Dana Ward had them rotfl. Everyone thinks that Dana Ward is funny. I laugh at Dana Warren.

I laugh at David Larsen. David Larsen is funny. He likes to laugh and clown around. David Larsen is never serious. Every reading I go to having anything to do with David Larsen is big and jokey. Jokes make people laugh. I laugh because I am a person who can laugh at jokey things when they are jokey and the timing is right and other people are laughing telling me when to laugh.

I laugh at both jokes and clowns because they are funny.

I miss connecticut.